Zherong Pan

I am currently a senior researcher at LightSpeed Studios, Tencent America. Previously, I served as a postdoctoral associate in the The Intelligent Motion Lab under the supervision of Prof. Kris Hauser. I earned my Ph.D. in computer science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I had the privilege of being advised by Prof. Dinesh Manocha. My doctoral research focused on planning and control algorithms for high-dimensional dynamic systems. Prior to beginning my Ph.D., I collaborated closely with Prof. Jin Huang on physics-based modeling.

As summarized below, my research revolves around harnessing domain-specific knowledge to craft computational tools for predicting and controlling the behavior of intricate dynamic systems. I am dedicated to unraveling the impact of domain-specific insights on the foundational limits of computational robustness and efficiency. I firmly believe that leveraging domain-informed computational tools can markedly enhance performance, ultimately giving rise to groundbreaking applications in robotics, computer graphics, and computer-aided design.



  • Reviewer: IROS, ICRA, WAFR, ISRR, IJRR, RAL, TRO, Humanoids, Autonomous Robotics, CGF, C&G, Visual Computer, TVCG, SIGGRAPH

  • Program Committee: WAFR 2020, 2024, AAAI 2021-2024, SIGGRAPH 2024, SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

  • Associate Editor: IROS 2020-2024, ICRA 2024


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